Did you know?
- 92% of consumers contact the business immediately after searching online.
- 86% of consumers who use internet search engines to find a product or service in their local area follow up with a phone call or in-store visit?
People are searching for your local services. You need to be where they are searching. In search engines, such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing, your customers are looking for services you offer. The only problem? They are finding your competitors.
Page Logic will get you showing up on Google Places, the main display on local searches. With our local optimization strategy, give us a few months and we’ll have you showing up where people can actually find you.
Google is putting more emphasis on local search than ever before. Whether searching via their smart phone or from their computer- your customers are more likely to be searching Google than pulling out their dusty old phone books. You need to be where they are searching. It’s online. It’s local. Page Logic will get you where you need to be- at the top!